Please find detailed below an informal LUNCHTIME free zoom session with Mr Samir Massoud which you are welcome attend:
Wednesday 30th June 2021- 1pm-2pm.
"Disorders of the Acromioclavicular joint and distal clavicle".
The session is tailored for GPs, Physiotherapists and AHPs with a MSK/ Sports interest.
Some topics that will be covered as part of the online webinar will include:
Acromioclavicular joint: Anatomy/ Ligaments/ Ossification/ Range of motion
ACJ arthritis/ diagnosis/ treatment
ACJ pathology - Instability
Types of injury
Distal clavicle fracture - types
Confirmation that you have virtually attended the session is available after the session on request, along with a copy of the presentation slides.
For any further details or to book your free space/s please email or call/ text 0792 956 9787 to register your interest and to be sent the zoom code a few days before.